
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Entry Hall Coat Rack

The spousal unit expressed her frustration with the piling up of all the kids' stuff going on in the entry hall. "We have shoes, coats, backpacks, and sweaters all heaped up in a pile collecting dog fur! Do something!"

So, I sauntered out to the garage, found myself a beautiful piece of Walnut (because who doesn't have a slab of walnut just laying around), trimmed it down to size, planed it to depth, routed the edges, rubbed in some boiled linseed oil, installed some newly acquired hardware, and ta-da!

Accommodates four backpacks and six coats.

The project accents the temple frame (previous project), which hangs above, reminding us of who we are and where our focus needs to be.

Species Featured: Walnut
Lumber: Dimensional lumber
Hardware: Oil rubbed bronze hooks
Finish: Boiled linseed oil
Measurements: 7" tall, 52" long. 

The problem: The [actually kinda orderly] pile

The solution, with the temple frame (previous project) hanging above.

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